Tired of always being "The Fat Girl"

My struggles and triumphs as a fat girl trying to get healthy and fit! I'll share my tips and tricks, what works for me, what's failed me... how I do what I do!

This blog followed my journey when I lost 60 pounds in 2011 and I am using it again to follow my journey to lose 100 pounds.

Start weight: 272.2 (May 1, 2016)

Current weight: 236.6 (February 4, 2017)

Goal weight: 172.2 (???)

Weight to lose: 64.6 pounds

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Constantly Battling FAT

I have spent my entire life as the FAT person in the room.  I remember weighing 172 pounds when I was 12 years old (the lightest weight I can ever remember weighing).
By the time I was 17, I was up to 225 pounds. That was the first time I truly dieted.  I lost 50 pounds in six months, graduated from high school, wore my beautiful prom dress, and immediately jumped off the bandwagon.
It wasn't until I was 23 that I finally faced the fact I had gained SEVENTY pounds since high school. In October 2010, I weighed in at 245.5 pounds! I was disgusted with myself. I immediately went on a diet, started working out 5-6 times a week and by June 2011, I was down to 184 pounds (a 61.5 pound loss!!)
I maintained my new weight for a few months, but life happens and slowly, pound by pound, I was back up to 225 by the time I got pregnant in June 2014.
The day I gave birth I weighed 269 pounds. Within two weeks, I was back down to 225.... and a few months the weight was creeping back on.

One of my biggest problems is that I eat out of boredom. And being home on maternity leave, I had more free time than ever before. I had bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast 4 or 5 days a week. I'd eat chicken fingers and fries for lunch or make homemade pizzas on english muffins.  I had so much free time and could plan to make my favourite foods while the baby napped.

My other huge problem is that I eat when I'm stressed.  A true food addict at heart, I can feel my stress diminishing when I am eating something super sugar and carb loaded.

 In May 2016, I suffered from a herniated disc. I know the reason why my disc herniated is because I have so much excess weight on my body and I live a sedentary lifestyle.  I decided to change that then and there and focused on losing weight without making many changes.  I lost forty pounds in the next seven months but when Christmas came and left I had gained eight pounds and couldn't lose any of it.

Last week, there was a health scare in my family.  Someone near and dear to me has been having heart problems and while there is no diagnosis yet, the doctors believe it is Angina. This health scare has really set me straight.  This isn't about losing weight.  This is my HEALTH.  This is my LIFE.  I have a CHILD that I need to live for, be healthy for, run around with.

So... I start again. Back at step one, ready to make changes. My ultimate goal is to lose 100 pounds total by my Champagne Birthday, I am turning 30 at the end of August and I have already lost 35 pounds so have 65 left to go.
So... here I go!!! Making my best effort possible. Knowing if I treat myself once it doesn't mean the entire day is a free for all.

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